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    北京国际智慧城市技术与应用产品展览会zhcs expo

    [会展号]  发布时间:2021/3/15 15:42:17  浏览:31592次
    今天是2024年4月19日 星期五 这里是北京国际智慧城市技术与应用产品展览会zhcs expo预告,由系统自动更新仅供参考。西方会展网提醒您:因办展存在不可控性导致展会延期无法及时获取更新,参观参展前请务必联系客服/主办方核实确认。西方会展网祝您参展愉快!

    北京国际智慧城市技术与应用产品展览会zhcs expo


    北京国际智慧城市技术与应用产品展览会zhcs expo于06月26 ~ 28日在北京亦创国际会展中心举行;

    主办单位: 中央网信办,工业和信息化部

    举办周期:一年一届 展览面积:40000平方 展商数量:400家 观众数量:52000人
    着力引领创新驱动,促进智能制造发展,推动新科技领域应用技术对传统行业的改造,加强移动互联网技术开发和运用,汇集城市规划和管理、通讯和信息、安防和应急、云计算和大数据技术应用、物联网、移动应用、智能硬件等多个新 ICT 领域技术与产品,北京国际智慧城市展以“智能牵动未来,智慧引领时代”为主题,全面展示新型智慧城市当今全球前瞻的移动互联网、物联网、大数据、云计算的创新应用技术、优秀研发成果和成功智慧城市建设案例,以及新型智慧城市建设概念和新兴技术。并同期举办2020国际智慧城市发展高峰论坛”,汇聚来自世界各地的知名企业和智慧精英,搭建政策研讨和学术交流的平台,加强移动互联网技术开发和运用的研讨与学术交流,促进政府、企业、科研以及金融界之间的对接,为行业发展提供全景式的服务平台,并倾力打造全球领先的智慧城市盛会。

    城市规划和管理: 智慧城市顶层设计及解决方案,系统展示新型智慧城市的规划、城市改造、城市运行 监管、环境监测和治理等方案

    城市安全和应急: 城市应急指挥中心、城市安保和紧急事态服务、监控报警系统、综合防灾减灾系统等

    通讯、信息及运营商产品: 数据通信设备、无线通信技术、公用事业信息通信技术解决方案等

    云计算和大数据技术应用: 医疗、教育、金融、能源、环境保护等云计算技术和大数据应用的案例展示

    物联网技术应用: 智能楼宇、智慧园区、智能家居、移动与交通、车联网、地理信息等物联网技术的应 用及解决方案的展示

    移动应用: 政务、医疗、教育、金融等行业领域典型、优秀的移动终端应用程序展示和技术交流

    智能硬件: 家电、汽车、可穿戴设备、无人机、机器人、传统服务业等结合无线通信技术实现移动端控 制、信息互联、自动化、人工智能等技术和产品的展示

    Sponsored by: Central Network Information Office, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

    Period: Annual Exhibition Area: 40,000 square exhibitors Number: 400 Audiences: 52,000 people

    Focus on leading innovation-driven, promoting the development of intelligent manufacturing, promoting the transformation of traditional industries with applied technologies in new technologies, strengthening the development and application of mobile Internet technology, bringing together urban planning and management, communications and information, security and emergency response, cloud computing and big data technology applications, Internet of Things, mobile applications, smart hardware and many other new ICT technologies and products Innovative application technologies for the Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, outstanding research and development results and successful smart city building cases, as well as new smart city building concepts and emerging technologies. And held the 2020 International Smart Urban Development Summit Forum, bringing together well-known enterprises and intellectual elites from all over the world, building a platform for policy discussions and academic exchanges, strengthening the development and application of mobile Internet technology research and academic exchanges, promoting the interface between government, enterprises, scientific research and the financial sector, providing a panoramic service platform for industry development, and strive to build the world's leading smart city event.

    Exhibition Advantages

    Scale advantage, get to know new dealers and buyers - industry authority association sponsored, for exhibitors to provide a strong guarantee of the actual effect of the exhibition. The exhibition is expected to show an area of 40,000 square meters, to the audience will be more than 52,000 people, to adopt a strong global investment promotion model, will integrate the resource database, focusing on inviting users of related industries to visit the conference to negotiate.

    Seamless docking, one-on-one invitation to merchants - the government and the Association of strong support, professional market-oriented operation, sharing high-quality merchants, in the country's major related radio stations, media, website publicity reports, and regularly arrange news releases, the exhibition process full name tracking report, will be involved in the exhibition field of professional buyers directly introduced to my exhibition site to negotiate procurement.

    Open up the market, consolidate the existing market share - one exhibition throughout the year to enjoy online and offline comprehensive publicity, the scope of publicity involving websites, magazines, newspapers, mobile phone newspapers, microblogs, WeChat and other new media, an exhibition of multiple surprises. Keep up with the latest market developments, share interaction, the audience is expected to come from more than 23 countries and regions around the world, arrange one-on-one meetings to discuss, improve the visibility of your products in a great way.

    High-level contemporaneous activities, in-depth value-added services - through authoritative forums to publish or listen to industry-oriented market trends, technology cutting-edge and other hot topics. Advanced technology and innovation topics, procurement topics, circulation and after-sales market topics, negotiations, dialogue activities are rich and varied, for exhibitors and buyers to provide a wide range of deep-seated value-added services.


    The scope of the exhibits

    Urban planning and management: Smart City Top-level design and solutions that systematically showcase new smart city planning, urban transformation, urban operations regulation, environmental monitoring and governance

    Urban Safety and Emergency Response: Urban Emergency Command Center, City Security and Emergency Services, Monitoring and Alarm System, Integrated Disaster Prevention and Mitigation System, etc

    Communications, information and carrier products: data communication equipment, wireless communication technology, utility information and communication technology solutions, etc

    Cloud Computing and Big Data Technology Applications: A case show of cloud computing technologies and big data applications such as healthcare, education, finance, energy, and environmental protection

    Internet of Things Technology Applications: Smart Buildings, Smart Parks, Smart Homes, Mobile and Transportation, Car Networking, Geographic Information, etc

    Mobile applications: typical, excellent mobile application presentation and technology exchange in government, healthcare, education, finance and other industries

    Smart hardware: Home appliances, automobiles, wearables, drones, robots, traditional services and other wireless communication technology to achieve mobile control, information interconnection, automation, artificial intelligence and other technologies and products display

    信息来源:会展号 EXPO号  会员:
    信息标签: 北京智慧城市技术展  
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